BECE 2023 Mock Integrated Science Questions [Practical]


BECE 2023 Integrated Science Questions Test of Practical [UPDATED]

BECE 2023 MOCK Integrated Science BECE questions are always in three folds; the objective aspects, the theory comprising of a test of practical (Part A) and Part B of the theory.

This usually makes the nature of Integrated Science paper looks bulky. Sometimes without proper timing of oneself it becomes difficult to finish within the stipulated time given.


Nonetheless one is able to finish all six questions required of you in their theory with proper practice and timing. One thing you also note as a candidate is that, the whole paper of the Integrated Science sums up to 140 marks. The hundred percentage mark is obtained by taking the scores obtained by the candidate dividing it by the 140 and multiplying it by 100.

In today’s article, we are going to take a look five keen and possible Mock Integrated Science Test of Practical questions you can expect in the 2023 BECE.

The structure of this article


These tests of practical questions will cover.

  1. Digestive system in human
  2. Mixtures/Science Apparatus
  3. Respiration in Human
  4. Nature of soil
  5. Forces and Pressure

Question one

The first BECE Mock Integrated Science test of practical question can be found below;

A student performed tests on food substances A, B and C and made the following observations. Study the table below carefully and used it to answer the questions that follow.

Food SubstancesTestObservations
AFew drops of iodine solution was added to AThe iodine solution turns blue-black
BA drop of B was added to a white sheet of paperA translucent patch was seen on the paper
CBenedict’s solution was added to C and the mixture boiledBenedict’s solution turns from blue-black to brick-red.
study this table carefully
  1. Identify the food substances A, B, and C
  2. Give the products of digestion of A, B and C
  3. In what parts of the alimentary canal does the digestion of each food substances A, B and C start?
  4. In which part of the alimentary canal is food substances C absorbed after digestion?
  5. Give two examples of digestive enzymes produced in human
  6. For each of the enzymes given in (I), name the part of the human body where the enzyme is produced.

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Question two

Find another set of Integrated Science test of practical question below.

Study the illustrations below carefully and use them to answer questions which follow.

  1. Name each of the apparatus labelled I, II, III, IV, and V
  2. State one function of each of the apparatus labelled I, II, III, IV and V

Find the third Integrated Science Test of Practical questions below.

Question three

The set up below shows air breathed out through the mouth into the test tube containing lime water.

  1. Why does the lime water turn milky?
  2. Identify the milky substance produced
  3. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.
  4. Name other two substances present in breathed-out air.
  5. What is the aim of the experiment?
  6. List four parts of the respiratory system in humans.

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The fourth integrated Science test of practical question

Study the set-up carefully and answer the questions below;

  1. Name the parts of the set-up labelled, I, II, III and IV
  2. Which of the three types has the
  3.  Highest water holding capacity?
  4. Least water holding capacity?
  5. Name each of the three soil types X, Y and Z
  6. Suggest a suitable title for the experiment.

Below is the fifth Integrated Science test of practical question

In the experiment, a pupil took two empty Milo tins and made holes in their sides as shown in the diagram above. The pupil then filled the Milo tins with water.

  1. Draw and label the diagrams to show what the pupil will observe in set-up A and set-up B
  2. Explain the observations in set-up A and B
  3. What is the aim of set-up A?
  4. What is the aim of set-up B?


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