Dr. Haggar Hilda Ampadu Outlines Why Most CVs get Rejected by Employers
The Executive Director and Inspector-General of schools, Dr. Haggar Hilda Ampadu outlines why most CVs get rejected by employers. In three points the Executive Director list the key areas on CVs that make employers reject them.
Curriculum Vitae, abbreviated as CV is your one stop shop document that details out what is contained in an application or a person. CVs are required to be submitted for considerations in most white-collar jobs before roles are awarded to anyone. But these same CVs can prevent you from landing your dream job, and which is why Dr. Hilda has taken her time to spell out the reasons why a CV maybe rejected.
Your CV may be rejected because of avoidable mistakes; it serves as a point of contact between the applicant and the employer thereby providing an avenue for the applicant to know the capabilities of the applicant. These avoidable mistakes shouldn’t be made and if not taken seriously all your CVs may get rejected. It doesn’t matter your level of education and qualifications, if you are not able to paint that clear picture about yourself you will definitely be rejected by any employer.
Her Statements
According to the Executive Director, Dr. Hilda her outfit has received huge number of CVs but about 80% of these CVs are of low contents simply because they are not properly laid out. This she says is one of the reasons many CVs get rejected.
She also stated for the fact that a CV which is poorly laid out doesn’t strike her attention and sees no reasons for spending time on such documents. She wrote, “I don’t anytime looking at a CV that is not well written and there goes your chance of getting a job.” This translates to mean, you will never be called because of your poorly written and laid out CV.
Aside stating bad written format and poorly laid CV being the cause for one’s CV to be rejected, she went ahead to detail out the correct layout all CVs should follow. This reduces the risk of your CV getting rejected.
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Measures she outlined
The following are some measures she detailed out to prospective applicants to consider in order to avoid being rejected by any employer because of a bad written or poorly laid out CV.
She indicated, at the minimum a good CV should include:
- Contact details: make sure your phone number and e-mail address are up to date and that you are checking both of these regularly
- A personal statement showing what the applicant is made of
- Your personal experience should be written in chronological order from the most current one as well as your education written in order beginning with the current one.
- If you have had any form of training, short courses or personal achievement, do well to include it and must be written correctly.
- Hobbies and interest should be included.
- The format of your CV should be formatted above in the order above. Also choose a font and make sure the spacing is at least 1.5.
Now, after having followed through the format outlined above, you must also place attention on grammatical errors so do well to read over the entire CV. Doing this will enable you to identify any grammatical error made along the line and to also prevent your CV from getting rejected.
Dr. Haggar Hilda Ampadu made all these on her Facebook page, check in the link to see How to Write A CV Tips, coupling with the format stated above.
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Source: Facebook/Dr. Haggar Hilda Ampadu