Over 70 BECE Social Studies Questions for BECE Candidates [Updated]


Over 70 BECE Social Studies Questions For BECE Candidates

Boost your confident with these social studies questions. Just test your pulse with them and measure the pace you have reached so far with studies.

Try your hands on these social studies questions. Less than six weeks to the start of the Basic Education Certificate Examination, give all your ins out. These questions are questions which have been carefully selected by authors of learnritehere.com to assist BECE Candidates pass their exams (social studies) with less stress.

SEE THIS TOO: COCK CROW: 138 Oliver Twist Questions and Answers (2022)

Don’t wait till the time become so close then you begin to stress yourself out. Beware of those who pose as officials of WAEC claiming to be giving students leaked questions. Don’t depend hugely on leak questions and make sure you don’t allow yourself to be deceived by colleagues. Solve these 75 single questions on social studies and save yourself from failure.

Question 1 – 20: BECE Social Studies Questions

  1. Name four main vegetation types in Ghana.
  2. State four ways by which the vegetation is being destroyed
  3. Mention two ways by which the vegetation can be preserved.
  4. Mention four achievements of Dr Kwame Nkrumah
  5. What are the four reasons that led to the overthrow of Dr Kwame Nkrumah
  6. State for good effects that the coming of the Europeans had on the West Africa
  7. What four bad effects did the coming of the Europeans have on West Africa

Use the map below to answer question 1 – 7

  • State the;
  1. Direction of Nsebiso from Danso
  2. Contour interval in meters
  3. Distance by road from Abinso to Lampa in kilometres
  4. Direction of flow of River Aburi
  5. Name the features marked A, B, C and Z on the map
  6. What types of settlement is at Nsebiso
  7. What is the main occupation of the people of Danso
  8. State the characteristics of the hamattan
  9. In which two ways is the hamattan useful
  10. Mention three disadvantages of the hamattan
  11. What was the Trans-Saharan Trade?
  12. State four effects of the Trans-Saharan trade on Western Sudan
  13. State five items of the Trans-Saharan Trade
  14. What was the Fante confederation
  15. Give reasons why the Fante Confederation was formed
  16. List four minerals mined in Ghana
  17. Name one important town associated with each of the minerals listed above
  18. Explain any four benefits of mining to Ghana
  19. List four duties of the police in Ghana

Questions 21 – 40

  • Explain four responsibilities of the individual in Ghana
  • Draw and label the structure of the earth
  • Name the three types of rocks
  • State four importance of rocks
  • Give four reasons for the rise of the old Mali Empire
  • Mention two factors that led to the fall of the old Mali Empire
  • Mention four causes of conflicts in the world
  • Explain any four effects of conflicts in the world
  • Describe each of the following landforms
  • A ridge
  • A plateau
  • A conical hill
  • An escarpment
  • Draw a simple labelled contour to represent the landforms mentioned above using a vertical interval of 50 metres.
  • State the difference  between weather and climate
  • Mention four elements of the weather and name the instrument used to measure each of them
  • In what four ways is rainfall important to man?
  • What was the Poll Tax Ordinance of 1852?
  • Give four reasons why the poll tax ordinance failed
  • Mention four causes of desertification in West Africa
  • What measures can be taken to control desertification in West Africa
  • State four functions of the Executive Secretary of ECOWAS
  • Explain four problems facing the ECOWAS
  • Give five reasons why the Manprusi defeated the original people of Northern Ghana

41 – 60

  • Write short notes on contours and illustrate with diagrams:
  • Valley
  • A ridge
  • A conical hill
  • What are the importance of festivals in Ghana
  • Write an essay on one of the following:
  • The achievement of Dr Kwame Nkrumah
  • The achievement of Sir Gordon Guggisberg
  • What are some problems facing the Organization of African Union?
  • What four major benefits do West Africa derive from their rivers? Give specific examples where necessary
  • Describe any four methods used for showing relief features on maps
  • What would be you consider as four main benefits of the Junior High School Education?
  • What are the four major problems related to cattle rearing in Africa?
  • Suggest solutions to any two of the problems states in 48 above
  • What are the effects of wars in the world?
  • What is a scale of map?
  • Describe the three ways of indicating scale of a map
  • With a scale of 1cm to 20km, draw a plot of 200km long and 120km wide
  • Identify any four environmental problems in Ghana
  • Suggests two solutions to each fo the four problems
  • What are the four main organs of the Organisation of African Union
  • Write notes on any two of the organs listed above
  • Write any four problems of food production in Africa
  • Mention four sources of from which fish are caught in Ghana
  • Describe two ways by which the fish are caught

61 – 75  

  • Name:
  • Two types of fish caught
  • Two methods of preserving fish
  • Mention four types of agricultural practices in Ghana
  • Give tow advantages and two disadvantages each of any two of the types of agricultural practices mentioned in 62 above

5 Different English Language Essay Samples For Schools And Students

  • Explain the importance of a named festival of one tribe in Ghana
  • Mention any five achievements of the Organisation of African Union (O.A.U)
  • With the aid of contours, describe the following types of slope
  • Gentle slope
  • Steep slope
  • Concave slope
  • Convex slope
  • Explain the importance of rivers in Ghana
  • State four conditions necessary for economic growth and high productivity
  • Give three reasons why Ghana’s economy is not growing
  • State any four aims of the United Nations Organisation
  • Explain two problems facing the United Nations Organisation
  • Explain any five achievements of Sir Alan Burns in the Gold Coast.
  • Mention five types of timber found in the forest of Ghana
  • Give five reasons that make the timber industry important in Ghana
  • Mention two elements of weather and climate

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