Questions and Answers on a Minor Bird [THE COCKCROW]

Questions and Answers on a Minor Bird [THE COCKCROW]

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Check out our new contents on a Minor Bird, a poem written by Robert Frost. These questions and answers on the minor bird are prepared solely for use by teachers of literature and as well as students.

The questions and answers on a minor bird can be discussed within your study groups. Teachers and instructors can as well use them in their end of term examinations.

Get your questions and answers on a Minor Bird below

  1. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?

aa, bb, cc, dd: line one rhymes with line two, line three rhymes with line four, line five rhymes with line six as well as line seven rhyming with line eight.

  • The setting of the poem can be described as 

Village or a rural setting

  • For how long did the bird sing by the house of the speaker?

All day

  • Write one theme of the poem?

The poem preaches peace. It tells society to be at peace and avoid discrimination, prejudicing, xenophobic attacks. There are times affluence in the society may want overshadow the deprived. But the poem tells us to eschew all these and create a perfect society.

  • What two literary devices were used in the poem?

Rhyme: unlike blank verse which does not rhyme, this very poem rhymes throughout

Personification: ‘…clapped my hand at him’ ‘HIM’ is used for humans, the speaker personified the bird by referring to it as ‘him’

‘The fault must partly been in me

The bird was not to blame for his key’

  • The feel of the speaker from the extract above depicts…

The speaker felt apologetic than the attitude of aggression from the beginning of the poem.

  • Stanza one and stanza, state the attitude of the speaker


  • When exactly did the speaker clap at the bird?

When it seemed he could bear no more  

  • Does it pay for find out the plight of others than to just shut them up? Explain, with reference from the poem

Yes, it actually pays to do that. Now you realised from the poem the claps of the speaker couldn’t even silence the bird. Sometimes we need to find if what we do infringes others right. As much as possible we create a peaceful environment for everyone.

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