A Wreath of Tears Questions and Answers (THE COCKCROW)


A Wreath of Tears Questions and Answers (THE COCKCROW)

This content is going to provide some selected questions on A Wreath of tears. These are selected from the Cockcrow literature books which are used by learners.

Try your hands on these questions on A wreath of tears. We have provided answers at the button of this post. You can first work out the questions and compare your answers with the answers provided.

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Below are A Wreath of tears questions and answers. Wish you all the best.

  1. Who wrote the poem?
  2. Who did the poet write for?
  3. The poem can be best described as a/an
  4. How was the funeral described in the first stanza
  5. The poem is made up of how many lines?
  6. What the tone of the poem?
  7. What is the subject matters of the poem?
  8. From the poem, we learn that grief from the dead is
  9. From where did the persona pluck rose, ivy, ferns and lilies for the funeral?
  10. In the poem, how is grief described?
  11. The “from the garden of memory” is an example of what literary device?
  12. Why couldn’t they send flowers in the poem?
  13. The diction of the poem can best be described as

Now compare and mark out your answers with the answers provided below.

  1. Kobena Eyi Acquah
  2. Osofopon Kobena Esuman
  3. Dirge
  4. Quiet and small
  5. 29
  6. Sorrowful
  7. Funeral
  8. Personal
  9. Garden of memory
  10. Private
  11. Metaphor
  12. Alliteration
  13. Because they are appreciable
  14. Simple

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