Confirmed 2023 BECE Grading System and How to Calculate your Grade
What to know about the BECE grading system
The BECE Grading System is used to measure students’ achievement levels in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in Ghana and Nigeria. Grades are assigned as letters, percentages, or numbers, and may be used to determine a grade point average. As a student or parent, this system can help you calculate your overall grade point and select courses or programs that meet the necessary Cut-Off Points.
The BECE Results are calculated using the 6 best subjects, including the 3 best core subjects (Maths, English, Inter-Science or Social) and 3 best elective subjects. Maths and English are required among the core subjects. To calculate your BECE results, add up the total marks for your 6 best subjects and divide that number by 6 to get your aggregate score.
How is the School Placement done base your BECE grade?
The GES uses the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) to place students into schools based on their BECE results. Your aggregate score will be compared to the Cut-Off Points for the schools you have applied to, and if your score is high enough, you will be placed in your school of choice.
It is important to note that the better your BECE grade, the greater your chances of getting placed into your school of choice. Therefore, it is important to understand the WAEC grading system and the procedure used by the examination body to calculate BECE results, so you can make a conscious effort that will guarantee you placement in reputable senior high schools in the country.
BECE Marks and their Grades
This guide explains the WAEC grading system and provides a step-by-step guide on how to calculate BECE results for school placement. By understanding the grading system and how to calculate your results, you can increase your chances of being placed in the school of your choice. The following are the marks and grades in BECE that you need to know to calculate your aggregate.
- 90-100 is graded as 1, GRADE AA+. It is the HIGHEST grade in the grading system.
- 80-89, the second category in this classification is graded as 2, GRADE A. it is denoted as HIGHER.
- 70-79, is grade 3, a B+ and is described as HIGH.
- 60 -69 is grade 4, GRADE B, described as HIGH AVERAGE.
- 55 – 60 is GRADE C+, classified as 5 and described as AVERAGE.
- LOW AVERAGE is a description of marks falling between 50-54 and GRADE C; number 6 in the grading system.
- Any mark ranging between 40-49 is considered as GRADE D+ and number 7; described as LOW
- 35-39 is GRADE E which is number 8, described as LOWER in the grading system.
- GRADE F, 9 characterized by 9 is the LOWEST grade, which falls between 0-34.
How is the BECE results calculated?
The BECE Results is calculated using the 6 best subjects from your BECE results. The 3 best core subjects (Maths, English, Inter-Science or Social) and your 3 best elective subjects, Maths and English are must among the core subjects. You can select from science and social for the calculation.
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