The Old Man and His Children: Cockcrow Questions and Answers

The Old Man and His Children: Cockcrow Questions and Answers

Here are sample of questions on the Old Man and His Son. This particular story tells us about unison. How important is it to be together as it is the surest way of achieving excellence.

Get these questions and answers on the Old Man and His Children and solve them while preparing to sit for your exams.

Find all questions below on the Old Man and His Son.

1. What is the name of the old man in the story?

Ans: Kamau

2. What was Kamau sitting on at the beginning of the story?

Ans: Three-legged stool

3. Under the shade of which three was Kamau sitting

Ans: Mugumo tree

4. Which birds were feeding on the fruits of the Mugumo

Ans: Mouse birds and green parrots

5. Which sound disturbed Kamau more than the insects?

Ans: the raised voices of his twin grandsons from the Mugumo tree

6. Why was the old man at peace?

Ans: because his twin grandsons were arguing

7. In the story, what could Kamau use to drive waya insects?

Ans: house fair fly sweat

8. According to story, when has the young men gone to….

Ans: hunting

9. What were the names of Kamau’s twin grandson? Ans: Mwangi and Njoroge

10. What did Mwangi shouted at Nioroge to do? Ans: to help him move the cattle

11. What was Njoroge’s response when Mwangi asked him to help move the cattle? Ans: I’m busy

12. Where did Mwangi drives the cattle to? Ans: into their new enclosure

13. What game did Njoroge use to play that annoy Nwa

14. Who rushed to put Nwangi and Njoroge apart when they

Ans: their mother

16. In the story, who sat close to Kamau and was drawing Ans: Njoroge

17. In the story, wh is said to be sitting hugging his knees? Ans: Mwangi

15. What did kamau say he has for the two boys’? Ans: A story

18. What literary device is found in the expression “hugging his knees?

Ans: Personification

Cockcrow literature Questions and answers for students

19. What did their mother do to the twins when they were fighting?

Ans: she box their ears and gave them a good scolding

20 What did the boys’ mother say to silence them?

Ans: she told them their father will hear when they quarrel again

21. In the frame story narrated by Kamau, how many children had the old man?

Ans: seven sons

22. According to Kamau, the seven sons should have been the Old Man’s..

Ans: Pride and Joy

23. Whose dust drawing became more feverish?

Ans: Njoroge

24. According to Kamau’s story how many sticks were in the hands of the old man?

Ans: seven sticks

25. ‘Seven beven sons’ and ‘seven sticks’ are both examples of the device

Ans: Alliteration

26. What instruction did the old man give his oldest son concerning the bundle of sticks? Ans: to try and break

27. The use of bundle sticks in the story brings Out….

Ans: symbolism

28. What does the bundle of sticks symbolizes? Ans: Strength and unity

29. What advice did Kamau give his children with regard to the bundle of sticks?

Ans: they should live together

30. What is the symbolism in the use of the separated sticks? Ans: weakness and disunity

31. According to the story, who said, ” it is the same with people as with sticks”

Ans: Kamau

Literature Questions for Junior High Students

32. According to Kamau, what will happen when the people in the village quarrel among themselves? Ans:their enemies will easily defeat them

33. How did the twins feel after Kamau’s story

Ans: they felt ashamed and thoughtful

34. The story within story, told by Kamau is referring to as..  Ans: Frame story

35 What literary device in the expression ” it is the same with people as with sticks” Ans: Simile

36. From what point of view is the story narrated? Ans: Third person narrative point of view

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