Watch Video: Solving Fractions Made Easy with Equivalent Fractions

Watch Video: Solving Fractions Made Easy with Equivalent Fractions Fractions are one of the fundamental

Watch Video: Solving Fractions Made Easy with Equivalent Fractions. Watch Video: Solving Fractions Made Easy with Equivalent Fractions

Fractions are one of the fundamental concepts in mathematics, but they can be confusing for many students, especially when it comes to multiplication and division. However, there is an easier way to solve fractions that eliminates the need for those complicated algorithms: using equivalent fractions.

Equivalent fractions are fractions that represent the same value but have different numbers in the numerator and denominator. For instance, ½ is equivalent to 2/4, 3/6, and 4/8. By finding equivalent fractions for two fractions, learners can eliminate the need for multiplication and division and use addition and subtraction instead.

Let’s take an example: ½ + ⅔. To find the equivalent fractions, learners need to add the numerator and denominator to itself consistently, as shown above. Then they can select fractions with the same denominator, which makes the next step easy. In this case, both ½ and ⅔ are equivalent to 6/12, so ½ can be written as 3/6 and ⅔ as 8/12. When learners add these fractions, they get 7/6.

Solving Fractions Made Easy with Equivalent Fractions

The beauty of this method is that it not only simplifies fraction calculations, but it also helps students understand how fractions work. By breaking down a fraction into equivalent forms, learners can see how the same value can be expressed in different ways, and this can make it easier for them to tackle more complex fraction problems in the future.


In conclusion, solving fractions doesn’t have to be difficult, thanks to equivalent fractions. By finding fractions that represent the same value and selecting those with the same denominator, learners can add and subtract fractions without worrying about complicated algorithms. This method not only simplifies calculations but also helps students understand the underlying concepts of fractions. So, the next time you face a fraction problem, remember: equivalent fractions are your friend!

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