Importance of Solving Past Questions over Reading the Text books

Importance of Solving Past Questions over Reading the Text books If…

Importance of Solving Past Questions over Reading the Text books

Reasons Why You Should Solve Past Questions Instead of Reading Textbooks

Importance of Solving Past Questions over Reading the Text books If…

Have you been wondering what to do as a student writing or preparing to write your exams? If the answer is yes, then of course it is because you are not certain on what to read. This piece of information here will provide to you the importance of solving past questions.

Reading your textbooks is not a problem at all, and of course it is one of the ideal things to do when exams is at the corner. But how do you know the relevancy of the information you are reading from the textbook?

This is where you have to draw a line between relevancy and the new information you’re reading from the textbooks. To do this, past questions come in handy. Solving past questions has lots of great importance than the demerits. Especially when that particular exam has been written by others for many years

Image your textbook has over 40 topics and you need to finish before you sit for the exams. You will certainly not finish without supporting your effort with past questions. If you have less than three months to the start of the exams, I encourage making past questions your friend.

The following are some importance of reading past questions instead of your textbooks.

  • Solving past questions provides insight into the exam format, how the questions are set and the types of questions to expect
  • Past questions help you to identify your strength and weakness. This will allow you to catch up with where your short falls are.
  • You are able to save time by focusing on the most important topics.
  • It gives you the confidence to sit for the exams. Note that these questions are lifted with slight changes and so, mastering it is like solving the exams questions

I hope with this information you’ll be able to decide on what to focus your attention on as a student preparing to write exams. Read your text books if you have more than six months to the start of the exams. If you have less than three months, the importance of solving past questions cannot be underestimated within that space of time.

Social Media Groups you can join

Kindly use the social media handles in the links below if you want to access past questions, mock questions and trial questions from We have Telegram and WhatsApp; you can join any of the groups. Questions are frequently posted on it for students to solve.

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