Have You Solved These 40 BECE Science Objective Questions Yet?
Have You Solved These 40 BECE Science Objective Questions Yet?

Here is another multiple choice questions for all those preparing to sit for the WAEC exams. Spend some time and solve these questions as part of your preparations toward the exams.
Teachers who handle science at the JHS level can also use them as their end of term exams questions. If you are using it as end of term questions, we advise that you use it for Basic 8 pupils.
Once done with all the 40 BECE Science objective questions, do well to join any of our social media platforms. We frequently post likely exams questions on it. Note that we don’t give leaked or Apor QUESTIONS.
BECE Science Objective Questions
1. Which of the following organism causes malaria? (a) mosquito (b) plasmodium (c) butterflies (d) bedbugs
2. Which of the following strategies does not prevents the spread of malaria? (a) malaria medications (b) sleeping under mosquito net (c) vaccination (d) cleaning bushes around the house
3. Seed bed is made purposely for…. (a) seedlings (b) cuttings (c) leaves (d) leaves
4. Which of the following is not a type of seed bed? (a) flat (b) raised (c) lowered (d) sunken seed bed
5. What type of nutrient gives energy to animals? (a) protein (b) carbohydrate (c) vitamins (d) water
6. What types of feed is source of carbohydrate to animals? (a) soy beans (b) wheat (c) palm oil (d) groundnut cake
7. One of the following is not a type of teeth? (a) dentine (b) incisor (c) canine (d) molar
8. What causes tooth decay? (a) bacteria (b) virus (c) fungi (d) bitter tooth paste
9. The coat or layer that forms around the teeth is called (a) enamel (b) dentine (c) plague (d) gingivitis
10. Which one of these has a ring around it? (a) earth (b) jupiter (c) mars (d) mercury
11. The closest star to our planet is….. (a) white star (b) sun (c) dwarf star
12. The milky way is not larger than our solar system. (a) true (b) false (c) none (d) all of the above
13. The third planetary body from the sun is (a) Mercury (b) Pluto (c) Earth (d) Venus
14. One of these is not a dwarf planet. (a) ceres (b) pluto (c) makemake (d) mars
15. How many planet do we have according to IUA? (a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 8 (d) 8.5
16. The stars are made up of the following gases. (a) helium and neon (b) hydrogen and neon (c) helium and hydrogen (d) hygrogen and argon
17. How many moons does the Neptune have? (a) 98 (b) 170 (c) 14 (d) 13
18. Which of the following is a producer? (a) cat (b) cow (c) plant (d) human
19. One of the organisms below is not a secondary producer (a) lion (b) hyena (c) elephant (d) wolf
BECE Science Objective Questions
20. The natural dwelling place of an organism is the (a) home (b) ecosystem (c) house (d) habitat
21. The hardest part of the teeth is the….. (a) dentine (b) enamel (c) gum (d) blood vessels
22. One of the following seed beds is suitable during rainy season (a) sunken bed (b) flat bed (c) lower bed
23. How many stages are in the life cycle of mosquito? (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 6
24. An atom has an atomic number of 17, what is the number of its electrons? (a) 19 – 2 (b) 19 – 1 (c) 20 (d) 19 – 3
25. All the following are eukayotes, except. (a) histolytica (b) mould (c) plasmodium (d) streptococcus mutans
25. One of the following has a flagella. (a) Eukayotic cell (b) prokaryotic cell (c) species (d) DNA
26. The reaction between 2H20 and O2 form (a) H20 (b) H202 (C) 2H20 (D) H2(O)3
27. Which of the following elements come from period 3 group 3? (a) Na (b) Al (c) Si (d) B
28. All period 4 element are said to be…… (a) metalloids (b) non – metals (c) halogens (d) metals
29. Roughages include all the following, except. (a) beans (b) hays (c) silage (d) root crops
30. Which of the following mineral is needed in the formation of egg shell? (a) calcium (b) aluminium (c) sodium (d) magnesium
31. Broilers are raised to produce (a) eggs (b) meat (c) milk (d) none
32. The innermost part of the teeth where blood and nerve vessels are found is called? (a) cementum (b) root (c) pulp cabity (d) pulp cavity
33. One of the following is responsible to make the tooth sensitive. (a) blood vessel (b) nerve vessels (c) root (d) dentine
34. which of the following teeth is meant for crushing of food particles? (a) premolar (b) molar (c) canine (d) incisor
35. ………….. is a term used to refer to the inflammation of the gum. (a) teeth inflammation (b) gingivititus (c) gingivitis (d) dentist
36. It takes our solar system about …. years to complete one orbit around the galactic center. (a) 233 (b) 230 (c) 170 (d) 1700
37. The earth, venus, mars, moons, asteroids and comets make up to …….. of the solar system’s mass (a) 0.22% (b) 0.02% (c) 0.2% (d) 0.002%
38. Pluto was discovered in the year…………. (a) 1830 (b) 1930 (c) 2006 (d) 1990
39. Neptune has no life because it has……… (a) more oxygen (b) no water (c) enough sunlight (d) the best temperature
40. All the following gases can be found on Jupiter except. (a) helium (b) oxygen (c) hydrogen (d) none.
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