2023 Full BECE ICT Questions and Answers, Click to See It

2023 Full BECE ICT Questions and Answers, Click to See It

The Basic Education Certificate Examination get closer and closer by the day, how well are you prepared? Test yourself with these sets of questions on Information and Communications Technology questions with answers  

These questions have both the paper two and paper one, which make both set of questions complete. Paper two comes first with paper one coming after and thereafter is the answers.

PAPER 2: BECE ICT Questions and Answers

[60 marks]

Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of material


Answer Question 1 [Compulsory]

1. (a) Use the diagram above to answer questions (i) to (iv)

BECE ICT Questions and Answers

(i) Name the application program used for the above figure [2 marks]

(ii) Write the formula/ function used to calculate the profit for cell D7   [2 marks]

(iii) Write the formula/function used to calculate the total expenses for cell C7.   [2 marks]

(iv) Name the parts labelled A, B and C [3 marks]

(b) In a word processing application, what is the command button print preview used for? [3marks]

SECTION B: BECE ICT Questions and Answers

Answer three Questions only from this section

2. (a) State two:

(i) positive uses of the internet;  [4 marks]

(ii) negative uses of the internet.  [4 marks]

(b) List four storage media   [4 marks]

3. (a) Explain the following types of software

(i) System software

(ii) Application software

(a) State the function of each of the following buttons as used in application software

(i) Minimize

(ii) Maximize

(iii) Close

4. Explain the following terminologies:

(a) Cell    

(b) Column:   

(c) Row  

(d) Graph   

5. State the purpose of the following commands on an email application such as yahoo or gmail:

(a) My account;  

(b) Compose; [3 marks]

(c) Attach; [3 marks]

(d) Sign up; [3 marks]

PAPER 1: Information and Communications Technology

Answer All Questions

1. The internet is ………

A. a global network of computers

B. global network of desktop computers only

C. international computers working

D. special network for laptop computers.

2. One of these is a disadvantage of using the internet.

A. For entertainment

B. Sharing information

C. Theft

D. Communication

3. One of the following commands will return the web browser to the previously viewed page.

A. Forward

B. Print button

C. Back button

D. Stop button

4. The collection of millions of electronic documents which are stored on computers connected to the internet is known as………..

A. World wide web

B. Internet

C. Website

D. Webpage

5. All the following are means of connecting to the internet except

A. Wireless

B. Dial up

C. Leased line

D. Television

6. Which of the following is not a web browser?

A. Netscape navigator

B. Google chrome

C. Sea Monkey

D. Safari

7. ……….is the collection of related webpages.

A. Website

B. Webpages

C. Web browser

D. World wide web

8. One of the following laws protects people from making duplicates of computer hardware

A. Copy Ghana

B. Patent and trade mark law

C. Law court


9. In Ghana, the copyright law (PNDC Law 110) provides protection to authors for a period of the life of the author and …………. years after his death.

A. 50

B. 70

C. 20

D. 5

10. The term used to describe the act of breaking copyright rules and regulations is…………..

A. Piracy

B. Copyright owner

C. Copyright infringement

D. Copyright license

11. The act of reproducing the software, without the permission of the creator of the product is

A. Piracy

B. Copyright owner

C. Copyright infringement

D. Copyright license

12. Which of the following is an independent computer software program that copies itself from one computer to another computer over a network?

A. Worm

B. Trojan horse

C. Virus

D. Bacteria

13. The act of changing the appearance of a text is…………

A. Selecting

B. Font typing

C. Formatting

D. Appearance changing

14. Editing information on CD is represented by aseries of …………

A. 1s and 0s

B. 2s and 0s

C. 0s and 11

D. 1s and 1s

15. When you delete an item from your system, such as files, the item is not permanently deleted from your system, it goes to the………….

A. My document

B. My recycler

C. Dust bin

D. Recycle bin

16. A red wavy line under a word indicates that the word is…………

A. too long

B. misspelt

C. a verb

D. grammatical error

17. When a mouse pointer is moved into a document, it changes into……

A. a cross hair shape

B. the I-beam pointer

C. the shape of the mouse

D. pointing figure

18. A character or letter may be erased by pressing………

A. Enter key

B. Shift key

C. Escape key

D. Backspace key

19. If a previously saved file is edited……………

A. the file must be saved again to store the changes

B. the changes will automatically be saved

C. its name must be changed

D. it is saved for future use

20. The proper way to exit Microsoft Word is to ……

A. turn the computer off

B. select the exit command

C. press the escape key

D. double click on the word

21. A document that has been saved is called a

A. file

B. database

C. report

D. process document

22. Word processors is mainly used by………..

A. accountants

B. artists

C. engineers

D. secretaries

23. The device which is used to produce hard copy of some files is……..

A. scanner

B. mouse

C. printer

D. monitor

24. Which of the computer keys allow the user to type upper case letters?

A. Caps Lock key

B. Shift Key

C. Num key

D. Control key

25. The symbols B, I, U are commonly used buttons found on the……

A. Drawing tool bar

B. Formatting tool bar

C. Menu bar

D. Standard tool bar

26. The operation where the computer manipulates data to produce information is known as………

A. Capturing

B. Processing

C. Recording

D. Retrieving

27. Programs that perform specific task for users are referred to as ……

A. Application software

B. Computer software

C. Operating software

D. System software

28. An example of operating system is ……

A. Window

B. Ubuntu

C. Microsoft

D. Apple

29. The command button to exit windows is

A. Close button

B. Maximize button

C. Minimize button

D. Restore button

30. On which bar is the system clock located?

A. taskbar

B. status bar

C. tool bar

D. standard tool bar

31. To boot a computer is the same as to………

A. shut down the computer

B. restart the computer

C. stop the computer

D. turn on the computer

32. The unprocessed fact in the field of computing is termed as ……

A. information

B. data

C. date

D. communication

33. The physical component of a computer that can be touched is the……

A. software

B. hardware

C. output devices

D. input devices

34. How many stages are there in the information processing cycle?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 3

D. 7

35. Which of the following is a source of information?

A. Library

B. Printer

C. Mouse

D. Photocopier

36. The computer keyboard contains several keys and we ……………. these keys to input data into the computer.

A. hit

B. push

C. move

D. strike

37. ……….is the process by which the operating system is loaded into the computer memory.

A. Switching

B. Booting

C. Pressing

D. Software

38. The power button of a monitor is mostly located at the ……of the panel.

A. back

B. front

C. side

D. top

39. All these are application software except….

A. FIFA 2015

B. Windows XP

C. Microsoft Word

D. Microsoft Excel

40. Which of the following is the major component housed by the system unit?

A. Speakers

B. Central Processing Unit

C. Monitor

D. Keyboard


1. (a) (i) The application program used for the above figure

Spreadsheet / Microsoft Excel

(ii) The formula / function used to calculate the profit for cell D7

=B7–C7 or =D3+D4+D5 or =SUM(D3:D5)

(iii) The formula / function used to calculate the total expenses for cell C7

=C3+C4+C5 or =SUM(C3:C5)

(iv) Names of the parts

A – Name box

B – Formula bar

C – worksheet/ worksheet window


 Ends an application OR

 Shuts down an open/ active file or program OR

 Deactivates and stores an open/ active file or program


 Drops window onto the taskbar OR

 Reduces the size of the window to the taskbar


 Enlarges a window to occupy the entire screen OR

 Increases the size of a window to occupy the entire screen

Restore down  Returns the size of a window to a previous custom size.

(B) What print preview is used for

It shows exactly what a printed copy of the document will look like.


It shows exactly what will be printed if the print command is given.

2. (a) (i) positive uses of the internet

Education – through distance learning, e-books, e-learning centres, etc

Entertainment – through music, sports, movies, and games

Information – Easy dissemination of and access to information – through search engines, blogs, news websites, etc

Communication – through emails, chats, social networks, etc

Trading (buying and selling) – through credit or debit cards, money transfer services, etc

Payment of bills – through credit or debit cards, money transfer services, etc

Advertising of products and services.

(ii) negative uses of the internet

Stealing / Theft – through hacking, impersonation, deception or other means.

Creation of malicious software (malware), such as viruses, worms or Trojan

horses, to damage or disrupt a computer system

Copyright infringement – Violating the rights of others by unauthorized use or copying of their creative works.

Hacking / Cracking – Tapping into confidential data in the computer systems of others without permission for various reasons.

Pornography – publishing or viewing pornographic pictures or movies.

Infringement of privacy – Accessing other people’s private information without their permission.

(b) Storage media

 Hard disc drive

 External hard drive


 CD

 Flash drive (pen drive)

 Memory card

 Magnetic tape

 Zip drive

 Floppy disk

3. (a) Explain the following types of software

(i) System software

 System software is a type of computer program that runs a computer’s hardware and application programs.

 The system software is the interface between the computer hardware and user application programs.

 Examples of system software are the Operating System, BIOS (Basic Input /

Output System) and Device Driver Software.

(ii) Application software

 Application software is a type of computer program designed to perform a

particular task / set of related tasks.

 Application software must be supported by the operating system in order to

function properly.

 Examples of application software include Microsoft Word, Excel and Windows Media Player.

(a) State the function of each of the following buttons as used in application software

(i) Minimize

Reduces an open window to an icon or button on the taskbar

(ii) Maximize

Increases the size of a window to occupy the entire screen

(iii) Close

Used to exit /shut down an open application program.

4. Explanation of the following terminologies:

(a) Cell

 A rectangular box in a worksheet of a spreadsheet program, such as Excel

 It is a box in which one can enter a single piece of data

 It is the intersection of a row and column in a worksheet

 It is identified by the letter of the column and the number of the row

 The cell can hold 3 types of data – text, a number (or numeric value) or a formula

(b) Column:

 A vertical line of cells (boxes) in a worksheet of a spreadsheet program

 It is labelled with a letter

 A column has the same width.

(c) Row

 A horizontal line of cells (boxes) in a worksheet of a spreadsheet program

 It is labelled with a number

 A row has the same height

(d) Graph

A chart and its associated sample data in a table called data


 A visual representation of worksheet data

 Graphs / charts make it easier to understand the data in a worksheet

 Some examples of graphs are

 Pie graphs, bar graphs, line graphs, scatter graphs, column graphs, etc

5. Purpose of the following commands on email applications such as yahoo or gmail

(a) My account

To keep a private record of all mails/ messages sent, received and drafted

(b) compose

To create a new message/ document / mail to be sent

(c) Attach

To add/ fix an already existing document on a storage media to a current message to be


(d) sign up

To register for the first time on an email application OR

To create a new email account

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