JHS1 Solar System Lesson Plan: Based on the New CCP, Download PDF

As a teacher before you step into the classroom you need to know what you are going to deliver to your learners. Just know that those sitting before are looking up to you to deliver nothing but the best. This will enable them to develop or have full grasp of whatever you teach.
Useful links for BECE candidates and teachers
Planning your lesson is one of the greatest options to consider. Not only does it help to know what you are supposed to talk about but also help you to finish lessons within time.
This lesson plan is designed to help you know the time you are supposed to spend on every important section you have to touch when teaching.
Why not give us a try and see how your students are going to love your next lesson.
Use the search button below to download. Just tap on and viola, you have your lesson plan handy. You can print and keep it as hard copy.
JHS1 Solar System lesson Plan
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