SHS Courses And Subjects For Each Course – See All Here

SHS Courses And Subjects For Each Course – See All Here


Get to Know All Courses Offered In Senior High Schools in Ghana and the Various Subjects You Will Study under Each Course

If you have just finished your Basic Education Certificate Examination, what you may be thinking of now is the course you are going to offer in the Senior high. Choosing the wrong course can greatly affect you in your future endeavours and so it is advisable to make the right choices.

In this article, we are going to provide you with the all the courses run the various Senior High Schools across Ghana. In order to make the right choices base your subject strength and weaknesses, we are going to add the list of subjects you will be learning under each course.

Take your time and go through all the courses including the subjects and make the right decisions for yourself as very soon, schools selection will begin.

Courses and The Various Subjects You Will Learn Under Each Course

In Senior High Schools (SHS), students typically follow a specific course of study that prepares them for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). The courses offered include General Science, General Arts, Business, and Visual Arts. Each course consists of a set of subjects related to that field of study. Here’s a general overview of the courses and their associated subjects:

1. General Science

Core Subjects

English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies

Elective Subjects

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Elective Mathematics

2. General Arts

Core Subjects

English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies

Elective Subjects

 Economics, Geography, Government, History, Literature-in-English, French, Elective Mathematics

3. Business

Core Subjects

English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies

Elective Subjects

Accounting, Business Management, Economics, Elective Mathematics, Costing, Principles of Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting, Office Practice

4. Visual Arts

Core Subjects

English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies

Elective Subjects

Painting and Decorating, Graphic Design, Textiles, Ceramics, Sculpture, Picture Making, General Knowledge in Art, Clothing and Textiles, Jewellery, Leatherwork, Basketry

5. Technical Program (e.g., Electrical, Mechanical, Building and Construction)

Core Subjects

English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies

Technical Subjects

Electricals, Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Technical Drawing, Building Construction, Auto Mechanics, Metalwork, Woodwork

6. Home Economics

Core Subjects

English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies

Elective Subjects

Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles, Management in Living, General Knowledge in Art, Economics

7. Agricultural Science

Core Subjects

 English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies

Elective Subjects

Crop Husbandry, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Science, Horticulture, Agribusiness, Agricultural Engineering

8. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Core Subjects

English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies

Technical Subjects

Information and Communication Technology, Computer Studies, Data Processing, Programming

9. Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programs

   – These programs can cover a wide range of vocational skills, such as catering, plumbing, masonry, welding, automotive technology, and more. The subjects included will depend on the specific vocational skills being taught.


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