Download 2024 BECE Career Technology Mock 3 Questions and Answers.

2024 BECE Career Technology Mock 3 Questions and Answers.

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Your best choice of mock questions for the 2024 BECE should be questions from us. This content comes with a complete 2024 BECE Career Technology mock 3 questions which you can use to prepare your students or yourself if you are a student.

2024 BECE Career Technology Mock 3 PAPER ONE


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1. All the following materials can be used to prevent bad body odour except……..  A. lime.   B. lemon.   C. deodorant.   D. ash.

2. To maintain proper food hygiene, which of the following must be adhered to?  A  Cover hair with a cup  B. Only wash your hands before Cooking  C. Only wash your hands after cooking  D. Cut/trim fingers during cooking.

3. A first aid box may contain all the following tools and materials except …. A. methylated spirit. B. gauze. C. cutlass. D. plaster.

4. Placing a cold compress or ice pack on any bumps or bruises is first aid to administer to a person affected with   A. burns.  B. falls.  D. cuts.

C. suffocation.

5. Which of the following is a casual factor of deforestation? A. water pollution. B. global warming. C. bush fires. D. loss of plant species.

6. The process of collecting, processing and reusing waste materials rather than throwing them away is termed as A. recycling waste.

B. waste management. C. landfills disposal.  D. combustion.

7……………. describes the wastewater produced by community of people, residences, commercial institutions and public facilities.

A. Grey water   B. Blackwater   C. Waste   D. Sewage

8. The dangerous effects of allowing excess gases to enter the atmosphere include all the following except. A. global warming. B. water pollution  C. air pollution. D. outbreak of air-borne diseases.

9. The property of textiles which allow moisture vapour to pass through them easily is termed A. durable, B. absorbent.  C. stiffness.  D. high boiling point.

10. Which of the following institutions is a government institution responsible for managing waste in Ghana?

A. NADMO    B. FDA    C. EPA    D. GRA

BECE Career Technology Mock 3 Questions continue from here

11. Resistant materials have the ability to withstand compression, tension and shear. This property of resistant materials is termed as

A. high creep resistance.  B. stiffness.  C. hardness.  D. strength.

12. The ability of a textile or fabric to bend without breaking is referred to as   A. uniformity.   B. durability.   C. flexibility.   D. tenacity.

13. Compliant materials have the ability to be heated and joined to another material when cooled, this property is known as……

A. density.  B. electrical conductivity.  C. absorbency.  D. fusibility.

14. …….binds aggregates in making mortar and concrete.

A. Stone   B. Cement   C. Sand   D. Water

15. Which of the following is not a working property of a resistant material?   A. Density   B. Strength   C. Hardness   D. Ductility

16.. All the following are physical properties resistant materials except

A. fusibility  B. thermal conductivity   C. density.  D. malleability

17. Which of the following materials is made form a sanitized fabric?

A. Lens in glass   B. Sportswear   C. Cardboard   D. Blind curtains

18………describes any food that help in development and growth of muscles as well as providing energy  A. Protective food  B. Body building food  C. Energy giving food  E. Fats and oil

19. Modified starches is used in making which of the following products?

A. Socks   B. Sportswear   C. Pizza toppings   D. Lens in glass

20. Water pollution can have an adverse effects on all the following animals except….  A. crap.  B. crocodiles.  C. rats.  D. fishes.

Continue with the 2024 BECE Career Technology mock 3 below

21. Organic Light-Emitting Diodes are made from which of the following smart and modern materials? A. Modified starches  B. Sanitized fabrics C. Liquid crystal displays  D. Cast iron

22. Which of the following is not an example of a PPE?

A. Nose mask   B. Goggles  C. Thermometer  D. Helmet

23. Which of the following activities cannot lead to desertification?

A. Afforestation   B. legal logging   C. Overgrazing   D. Deforestation

24. All the following vegetable are root crops except .

A. turnip.   B. carrot.  C. cocoyam.  D. radish.

25. Which of the following food substances is very essential for treating constipation? A.   Roughages B.   Bread  C. Vegetables  D. Fats and oil

26. The most appropriate way to preserve vegetables such as lettuce and turnip is by   A. canning   B. Smoking.   C. drying.  D. refrigeration.

27. All the following food substances perform a common basic functions except.  A. Cereals.    B. beans.   C. grains.  D. fats and oil.

28. Which of the following materials can respond to some external stimuli?  A. Modern materials  B. Smart materials  C. Resistant materials

D. Compliant materials

29. Which of the following materials can help make the teeth white?

A. Fluoride   B. Ash   C. Charcoal   D. Mint

30. Which part of the body is likely to breed lice if not properly kept?

A. Hair  B. Armpit  C. Nose  D. Stomach

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2024 BECE Career Technology Mock 2


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