2024 WASSCE English Comprehension Questions – Recommended

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If you’re sitting for the 2024 edition of the WASSCE, then you need to make time to solve these likely 2024 WASSCE English Comprehension Questions..

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

2024 WASSCE English Comprehension Questions

One moment is witnessing confrontation between the younger generation and the former in the decision-making process. To the older generation, therefore, the moment when the young person may be admitted to the decision-making process is postponed as long as possible. On the other hand, the young have always pressed for earlier involvement at the family, institutional, and national levels.
Much of adult intolerance of the young stems from misinterpretation of their actions and attitudes. It is true that youngsters may be hasty and inexperienced; but basically, they are right. The solution to generational squabbling is not to be sought in the reform of the youth, but in the reform of society. Rather than dismiss the young as intemperate or naive, society would benefit from involving them in the struggle to build a better world. The real answer to the frustration of the young is their involvement in productive ventures.
Young idealism represents one of the great untapped resources of modern society. It can be enlisted in literacy campaigns, taking census, and as school teachers where qualified. What the young need most of all is to feel involved in the process by which they make their ideals come true in their society. Hence, a National Youth Service is not only a means of engaging youth on development projects but also a critical avenue through which they may express their commitment to social progress.
The logical response of the young to the society’s persistent and stubborn denial of their role in the decision-making process is dissatisfaction and sometimes rebellion. It would be wise to allow the unlimited involvement of the youth in the decision-making process. What is needed is to adapt to new circumstances like bringing down the voting age to eighteen.
Unfortunately, this seems to be the only area where the youth rub shoulders with authority. Political parties and other institutions should push this further by creating avenues for youth involvement.

Now Answer the 2024 WASSCE English Comprehension Questions below

(a) For each of the following words underlined in the passage, find another word that means the same and which can replace it in the passage:
(i) postponed;
(ii) hasty;
(iii) squabbling;
(iv) untapped;
(v) talent.

(b) State the conduct adults expect of the youth.
(c) Using three adjectives, describe the reaction of the young to their exclusion from the decision-making process.
(d) Give two ways in which the youth could contribute to the development of society.
(e) State the only time youngsters are allowed to participate in decision-making.
(f) Using your own words as far as possible, state the writer’s views on the relationship between the young and the old.
(g) (i) What is the writer’s attitude towards the involvement of youth in decision-making?
(ii) Quote from the passage the sentence or phrase that supports your answer.
(h) “Stubborn”:
(i) What part of speech is this word?
(ii) What is its function?


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