2024 WASSCE Chemistry Alt3 Instructions (HOW IT IS)These are compiled to give students preparing to write chemistry WASSCE a clue as how it looks like.

This how the 2024 WASSCE Chemistry Alt3 will be like. Note that these are usually given to masters handling the various subject for use before the conduct of the examination.
As a result, they are marked confidential. These below should give you a clue as to how the actual one looks like. If you are serious, you can consider and give a study as you prepare to sit for the exams. 2024 WASSCE Chemistry Alt3.
2024 WASSCE Chemistry Alt3 Likely
In addition to the fittings and reagents normally found in a chemistry laboratory, the following apparatus and materials will be required by each candidate:one burette of either 50 cm³ or 25 cm³one pipette, 20 cm³ capacity;one pipette, 25 cm³ capacity; (All candidates at one centre must use pipettes of the same volume.)the usual apparatus and reagents for qualitative workclean test tubes and free from grease;labelled apparatus and reagents appropriately, including the following with all reagents:dilute sodium hydroxide solution;dilute hydrochloric acid;dilute nitric acid;dilute trioxonitrate(V) acid;potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) solution;aqueous ammonia;lime water;red and blue litmus papers;potassium tetraoxomanganate(VII) solution;dilute tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid solution;spatula;one beaker;one boiling tube;filtration apparatus;four test tubes;methyl red indicator;glass rod;wash bottle containing distilled/deionized water;watch glass;burning splint;droppers;Bunsen burner/source of heat;mathematical table/calculator;phenolphthalein indicator.
The following announcement should be made to the candidates at the beginning of the examination:”The Examiner does not want you to waste your time because you cannot proceed with an experiment. Any candidate, therefore, who cannot get on with the experiment after spending 15 minutes on it, may come to me and ask for help.”
2024 WASSCE Chemistry Alt3 Likely
The Physics Teacher should be allowed to give a hint to a candidate who is unable to proceed with the experiment.
Te following regulations must be strictly adhered to:No hint should be announced to the candidates as a whole.A candidate who is unable to proceed and requires assistance must come up to you and state his or her difficulty. The candidate should be told that the Examiner will be informed of any assistance given in this way. A note must be made, on the Report Form, of any assistance given to any candidate, with the name and index number of the candidate.
Report Forms are provided separately, on which you are required to state the following:Detailed information about the apparatus where necessary.Any particular difficulties experienced by any candidate, especially if the Examiner would be unable to discover these from the scripts. Any departure from the specified items which could not be avoided.Any assistance given to the candidates under the regulations explained in 5 above.
A Short Notice on the WASSCE Chemistry Alt3
These instructions may be more less, but as already indicated this is to serve as guide and to give you a clue as to how the actual one will look like.
Do well to check out some other related contents we have put together for you on this website.
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